Leanne Fromont
Wanganui Veterinary Services
How long have you been working with PAAL?
From the companies inception, but have worked with Prue specifically for approximately 15 years.
What was your main motivation to work with PAAL?
I have had a successful and professional work relationship with Prue Anderson for many years so when Prue set up her own company it was an easy choice to follow her.
What services has PAAL provided that have been the most valuable for you?
A friendly and comprehensive role in all our accounting needs with very sound advice.
How has PAAL/Xero helped with understanding your business?
I had been working with Attache/Prophet accounting for many years and was looking for a new alternative software that would meet our needs, I looked at 3-4 different options before deciding on XERO, with PAAL assistance implementing this we have a much more hands-on understanding and access to our data. It has also improved time management and workflow.
What do you consider the main advantage of using Xero in the day-to-day running of your business?
The workflow, the previous software was period based and this created time constraints/bottlenecks, XERO is date based as is our veterinary software which makes the whole workflow more seamless and fluid.
How have you found the team at PAAL? Any highlights for you?
How long do you have? Honestly, they are a pleasure to work with always friendly, fun and incredibly helpful. They really are there for you.

Chartered Accountants in the Whanganui & Manawatu Region. Xero Cloud based accounting – we offer set up, training and ongoing support.
© 2017 Prue Anderson Accounting Ltd.